Go to the documentation of this file.
16 #include <stdlib.h>
17 #include <stdio.h>
18 #include <math.h>
19 #include <float.h>
20 #include "lmmin.h"
28 #define MIN(a,b) (((a)<=(b)) ? (a) : (b))
35 #define MAX(a,b) (((a)>=(b)) ? (a) : (b))
42 #define SQR(x) (x)*(x)
61 void lm_lmpar( int n, double *r, int ldr, int *ipvt, double *diag,
62  double *qtb, double delta, double *par, double *x,
63  double *sdiag, double *aux, double *xdi );
76 void lm_qrfac( int m, int n, double *a, int *ipvt,
77  double *rdiag, double *acnorm, double *wa );
92 void lm_qrsolv( int n, double *r, int ldr, int *ipvt, double *diag,
93  double *qtb, double *x, double *sdiag, double *wa );
96 /*****************************************************************************/
97 /* Numeric constants */
98 /*****************************************************************************/
100 /* machine-dependent constants from float.h */
101 #define LM_MACHEP DBL_EPSILON /* resolution of arithmetic */
102 #define LM_DWARF DBL_MIN /* smallest nonzero number */
103 #define LM_SQRT_DWARF sqrt(DBL_MIN) /* square should not underflow */
104 #define LM_SQRT_GIANT sqrt(DBL_MAX) /* square should not overflow */
105 #define LM_USERTOL 30*LM_MACHEP /* users are recommended to require this */
107 /* If the above values do not work, the following seem good for an x86:
108  LM_MACHEP .555e-16
109  LM_DWARF 9.9e-324
110  LM_SQRT_DWARF 1.e-160
111  LM_SQRT_GIANT 1.e150
112  LM_USER_TOL 1.e-14
113  The following values should work on any machine:
114  LM_MACHEP 1.2e-16
115  LM_DWARF 1.0e-38
116  LM_SQRT_DWARF 3.834e-20
117  LM_SQRT_GIANT 1.304e19
118  LM_USER_TOL 1.e-14
119 */
123  NULL, 0, -1, -1
124 };
126  1.e-7, 1.e-7, 1.e-7, 1.e-7, 100., 100, 1,
127  NULL, 0, -1, -1
128 };
131 /*****************************************************************************/
132 /* Message texts (indexed by */
133 /*****************************************************************************/
135 const char *lm_infmsg[] = {
136  "found zero (sum of squares below underflow limit)",
137  "converged (the relative error in the sum of squares is at most tol)",
138  "converged (the relative error of the parameter vector is at most tol)",
139  "converged (both errors are at most tol)",
140  "trapped (by degeneracy; increasing epsilon might help)",
141  "exhausted (number of function calls exceeding preset patience)",
142  "failed (ftol<tol: cannot reduce sum of squares any further)",
143  "failed (xtol<tol: cannot improve approximate solution any further)",
144  "failed (gtol<tol: cannot improve approximate solution any further)",
145  "crashed (not enough memory)",
146  "exploded (fatal coding error: improper input parameters)",
147  "stopped (break requested within function evaluation)"
148 };
150 const char *lm_shortmsg[] = {
151  "found zero",
152  "converged (f)",
153  "converged (p)",
154  "converged (2)",
155  "degenerate",
156  "call limit",
157  "failed (f)",
158  "failed (p)",
159  "failed (o)",
160  "no memory",
161  "invalid input",
162  "user break"
163 };
166 /*****************************************************************************/
167 /* Monitoring auxiliaries. */
168 /*****************************************************************************/
170 void lm_print_pars( int nout, const double *par, double fnorm, FILE* fout )
171 {
172  int i;
173  for (i = 0; i < nout; ++i)
174  fprintf( fout, " %16.9g", par[i] );
175  fprintf( fout, " => %18.11g\n", fnorm );
176 }
179 /*****************************************************************************/
180 /* lmmin (main minimization routine) */
181 /*****************************************************************************/
183 void lmmin( int n, double *x, int m, const void *data,
184  void (*evaluate) (const double *par, int m_dat, const void *data,
185  double *fvec, int *userbreak),
186  const lm_control_struct *C, lm_status_struct *S )
187 {
188  double *fvec, *diag, *fjac, *qtf, *wa1, *wa2, *wa3, *wf;
189  int *ipvt;
190  int j, i;
191  double actred, dirder, fnorm, fnorm1, gnorm, pnorm,
192  prered, ratio, step, sum, temp, temp1, temp2, temp3;
193  static double p0001 = 1.0e-4;
195  int maxfev = C->patience * (n + 1);
197  int outer, inner; /* loop counters, for monitoring */
198  int inner_success; /* flag for loop control */
199  double lmpar = 0; /* Levenberg-Marquardt parameter */
200  double delta = 0;
201  double xnorm = 0;
202  double eps = sqrt(MAX(C->epsilon, LM_MACHEP)); /* for forward differences */
204  int nout = C->n_maxpri == -1 ? n : MIN( C->n_maxpri, n );
206  /* The workaround msgfile=NULL is needed for default initialization */
207  FILE* msgfile = C->msgfile ? C->msgfile : stdout;
209  /* Default status info; must be set ahead of first return statements */
210  S->outcome = 0; /* status code */
211  S->userbreak = 0;
212  S->nfev = 0; /* function evaluation counter */
214  /*** Check input parameters for errors. ***/
216  if ( n <= 0 ) {
217  fprintf( stderr, "lmmin: invalid number of parameters %i\n", n );
218  S->outcome = 10; /* invalid parameter */
219  return;
220  }
221  if (m < n) {
222  fprintf( stderr, "lmmin: number of data points (%i) "
223  "smaller than number of parameters (%i)\n", m, n );
224  S->outcome = 10;
225  return;
226  }
227  if (C->ftol < 0. || C->xtol < 0. || C->gtol < 0.) {
228  fprintf( stderr,
229  "lmmin: negative tolerance (at least one of %g %g %g)\n",
230  C->ftol, C->xtol, C->gtol );
231  S->outcome = 10;
232  return;
233  }
234  if (maxfev <= 0) {
235  fprintf( stderr, "lmmin: nonpositive function evaluations limit %i\n",
236  maxfev );
237  S->outcome = 10;
238  return;
239  }
240  if (C->stepbound <= 0.) {
241  fprintf( stderr, "lmmin: nonpositive stepbound %g\n", C->stepbound );
242  S->outcome = 10;
243  return;
244  }
245  if (C->scale_diag != 0 && C->scale_diag != 1) {
246  fprintf( stderr, "lmmin: logical variable scale_diag=%i, "
247  "should be 0 or 1\n", C->scale_diag );
248  S->outcome = 10;
249  return;
250  }
252  /*** Allocate work space. ***/
254  if ( (fvec = (double *) malloc(m * sizeof(double))) == NULL ||
255  (diag = (double *) malloc(n * sizeof(double))) == NULL ||
256  (qtf = (double *) malloc(n * sizeof(double))) == NULL ||
257  (fjac = (double *) malloc(n * m * sizeof(double))) == NULL ||
258  (wa1 = (double *) malloc(n * sizeof(double))) == NULL ||
259  (wa2 = (double *) malloc(n * sizeof(double))) == NULL ||
260  (wa3 = (double *) malloc(n * sizeof(double))) == NULL ||
261  (wf = (double *) malloc(m * sizeof(double))) == NULL ||
262  (ipvt = (int *) malloc(n * sizeof(int) )) == NULL ) {
263  S->outcome = 9;
264  return;
265  }
267  if (!C->scale_diag) {
268  for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
269  diag[j] = 1.;
270  }
272  /*** Evaluate function at starting point and calculate norm. ***/
274  (*evaluate)( x, m, data, fvec, &(S->userbreak) );
275  S->nfev = 1;
276  if ( S->userbreak )
277  goto terminate;
278  fnorm = lm_enorm(m, fvec);
279  if ( C->verbosity ) {
280  fprintf( msgfile, "lmmin start " );
281  lm_print_pars( nout, x, fnorm, msgfile );
282  }
283  if ( fnorm <= LM_DWARF ) {
284  S->outcome = 0; /* sum of squares almost zero, nothing to do */
285  goto terminate;
286  }
288  /*** The outer loop: compute gradient, then descend. ***/
290  for ( outer = 0; ; ++outer ) {
292  /*** [outer] Calculate the Jacobian. ***/
294  for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
295  temp = x[j];
296  step = MAX(eps * eps, eps * fabs(temp));
297  x[j] += step; /* replace temporarily */
298  (*evaluate)( x, m, data, wf, &(S->userbreak) );
299  ++(S->nfev);
300  if ( S->userbreak )
301  goto terminate;
302  for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
303  fjac[j * m + i] = (wf[i] - fvec[i]) / step;
304  x[j] = temp; /* restore */
305  }
306  if ( C->verbosity >= 10 ) {
307  /* print the entire matrix */
308  printf("\nlmmin Jacobian\n");
309  for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
310  printf(" ");
311  for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
312  printf("%.5e ", fjac[j * m + i]);
313  printf("\n");
314  }
315  }
317  /*** [outer] Compute the QR factorization of the Jacobian. ***/
319  /* fjac is an m by n array. The upper n by n submatrix of fjac
320  * is made to contain an upper triangular matrix r with diagonal
321  * elements of nonincreasing magnitude such that
322  *
323  * p^T*(jac^T*jac)*p = r^T*r
324  *
325  * (NOTE: ^T stands for matrix transposition),
326  *
327  * where p is a permutation matrix and jac is the final calculated
328  * Jacobian. Column j of p is column ipvt(j) of the identity matrix.
329  * The lower trapezoidal part of fjac contains information generated
330  * during the computation of r.
331  *
332  * ipvt is an integer array of length n. It defines a permutation
333  * matrix p such that jac*p = q*r, where jac is the final calculated
334  * Jacobian, q is orthogonal (not stored), and r is upper triangular
335  * with diagonal elements of nonincreasing magnitude. Column j of p
336  * is column ipvt(j) of the identity matrix.
337  */
339  lm_qrfac(m, n, fjac, ipvt, wa1, wa2, wa3);
340  /* return values are ipvt, wa1=rdiag, wa2=acnorm */
342  /*** [outer] Form q^T * fvec and store first n components in qtf. ***/
344  for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
345  wf[i] = fvec[i];
347  for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
348  temp3 = fjac[j * m + j];
349  if (temp3 != 0.) {
350  sum = 0;
351  for (i = j; i < m; i++)
352  sum += fjac[j * m + i] * wf[i];
353  temp = -sum / temp3;
354  for (i = j; i < m; i++)
355  wf[i] += fjac[j * m + i] * temp;
356  }
357  fjac[j * m + j] = wa1[j];
358  qtf[j] = wf[j];
359  }
361  /*** [outer] Compute norm of scaled gradient and detect degeneracy. ***/
363  gnorm = 0;
364  for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
365  if (wa2[ipvt[j]] == 0)
366  continue;
367  sum = 0.;
368  for (i = 0; i <= j; i++)
369  sum += fjac[j * m + i] * qtf[i];
370  gnorm = MAX( gnorm, fabs( sum / wa2[ipvt[j]] / fnorm ) );
371  }
373  if (gnorm <= C->gtol) {
374  S->outcome = 4;
375  goto terminate;
376  }
378  /*** [outer] Initialize / update diag and delta. ***/
380  if ( !outer ) {
381  /* first iteration only */
382  if (C->scale_diag) {
383  /* diag := norms of the columns of the initial Jacobian */
384  for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
385  diag[j] = wa2[j] ? wa2[j] : 1;
386  /* xnorm := || D x || */
387  for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
388  wa3[j] = diag[j] * x[j];
389  xnorm = lm_enorm(n, wa3);
390  if ( C->verbosity >= 2 ) {
391  fprintf( msgfile, "lmmin diag " );
392  lm_print_pars( nout, x, xnorm, msgfile );
393  }
394  /* only now print the header for the loop table */
395  if ( C->verbosity >= 3 ) {
396  fprintf( msgfile, " o i lmpar prered"
397  " ratio dirder delta"
398  " pnorm fnorm" );
399  for (i = 0; i < nout; ++i)
400  fprintf( msgfile, " p%i", i );
401  fprintf( msgfile, "\n" );
402  }
403  } else {
404  xnorm = lm_enorm(n, x);
405  }
406  /* initialize the step bound delta. */
407  if ( xnorm )
408  delta = C->stepbound * xnorm;
409  else
410  delta = C->stepbound;
411  } else {
412  if (C->scale_diag) {
413  for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
414  diag[j] = MAX( diag[j], wa2[j] );
415  }
416  }
418  /*** The inner loop. ***/
419  inner = 0;
420  do {
422  /*** [inner] Determine the Levenberg-Marquardt parameter. ***/
424  lm_lmpar( n, fjac, m, ipvt, diag, qtf, delta, &lmpar,
425  wa1, wa2, wf, wa3 );
426  /* used return values are fjac (partly), lmpar, wa1=x, wa3=diag*x */
428  /* predict scaled reduction */
429  pnorm = lm_enorm(n, wa3);
430  temp2 = lmpar * SQR( pnorm / fnorm );
431  for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
432  wa3[j] = 0;
433  for (i = 0; i <= j; i++)
434  wa3[i] -= fjac[j * m + i] * wa1[ipvt[j]];
435  }
436  temp1 = SQR( lm_enorm(n, wa3) / fnorm );
437  prered = temp1 + 2 * temp2;
438  dirder = -temp1 + temp2; /* scaled directional derivative */
440  /* at first call, adjust the initial step bound. */
441  if ( !outer && pnorm < delta )
442  delta = pnorm;
444  /*** [inner] Evaluate the function at x + p. ***/
446  for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
447  wa2[j] = x[j] - wa1[j];
449  (*evaluate)( wa2, m, data, wf, &(S->userbreak) );
450  ++(S->nfev);
451  if ( S->userbreak )
452  goto terminate;
453  fnorm1 = lm_enorm(m, wf);
455  /*** [inner] Evaluate the scaled reduction. ***/
457  /* actual scaled reduction */
458  actred = 1 - SQR(fnorm1 / fnorm);
460  /* ratio of actual to predicted reduction */
461  ratio = prered ? actred / prered : 0;
463  if ( C->verbosity == 2 ) {
464  fprintf( msgfile, "lmmin (%i:%i) ", outer, inner );
465  lm_print_pars( nout, wa2, fnorm1, msgfile );
466  } else if ( C->verbosity >= 3 ) {
467  printf( "%3i %2i %9.2g %9.2g %14.6g"
468  " %9.2g %10.3e %10.3e %21.15e",
469  outer, inner, lmpar, prered, ratio,
470  dirder, delta, pnorm, fnorm1 );
471  for (i = 0; i < nout; ++i)
472  fprintf( msgfile, " %16.9g", wa2[i] );
473  fprintf( msgfile, "\n" );
474  }
476  /* update the step bound */
477  if ( ratio <= 0.25 ) {
478  if ( actred >= 0 )
479  temp = 0.5;
480  else if ( actred > -99 ) /* -99 = 1-1/0.1^2 */
481  temp = MAX( dirder / (2 * dirder + actred), 0.1 );
482  else
483  temp = 0.1;
484  delta = temp * MIN(delta, pnorm / 0.1);
485  lmpar /= temp;
486  } else if ( ratio >= 0.75 ) {
487  delta = 2 * pnorm;
488  lmpar *= 0.5;
489  } else if ( !lmpar ) {
490  delta = 2 * pnorm;
491  }
493  /*** [inner] On success, update solution, and test for convergence. ***/
495  inner_success = ratio >= p0001;
496  if ( inner_success ) {
498  /* update x, fvec, and their norms */
499  if (C->scale_diag) {
500  for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
501  x[j] = wa2[j];
502  wa2[j] = diag[j] * x[j];
503  }
504  } else {
505  for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
506  x[j] = wa2[j];
507  }
508  for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
509  fvec[i] = wf[i];
510  xnorm = lm_enorm(n, wa2);
511  fnorm = fnorm1;
512  }
514  /* convergence tests */
515  S->outcome = 0;
516  if ( fnorm <= LM_DWARF )
517  goto terminate; /* success: sum of squares almost zero */
518  /* test two criteria (both may be fulfilled) */
519  if (fabs(actred) <= C->ftol && prered <= C->ftol && ratio <= 2)
520  S->outcome = 1; /* success: x almost stable */
521  if (delta <= C->xtol * xnorm)
522  S->outcome += 2; /* success: sum of squares almost stable */
523  if (S->outcome != 0) {
524  goto terminate;
525  }
527  /*** [inner] Tests for termination and stringent tolerances. ***/
529  if ( S->nfev >= maxfev ) {
530  S->outcome = 5;
531  goto terminate;
532  }
533  if ( fabs(actred) <= LM_MACHEP &&
534  prered <= LM_MACHEP && ratio <= 2 ) {
535  S->outcome = 6;
536  goto terminate;
537  }
538  if ( delta <= LM_MACHEP * xnorm ) {
539  S->outcome = 7;
540  goto terminate;
541  }
542  if ( gnorm <= LM_MACHEP ) {
543  S->outcome = 8;
544  goto terminate;
545  }
547  /*** [inner] End of the loop. Repeat if iteration unsuccessful. ***/
549  ++inner;
550  } while ( !inner_success );
552  /*** [outer] End of the loop. ***/
554  };
556 terminate:
557  S->fnorm = lm_enorm(m, fvec);
558  if ( C->verbosity >= 2 )
559  printf("lmmin outcome (%i) xnorm %g ftol %g xtol %g\n",
560  S->outcome, xnorm, C->ftol, C->xtol );
561  if ( C->verbosity & 1 ) {
562  fprintf( msgfile, "lmmin final " );
563  lm_print_pars( nout, x, S->fnorm, msgfile );
564  }
565  if ( S->userbreak ) /* user-requested break */
566  S->outcome = 11;
568  /*** Deallocate the workspace. ***/
569  free(fvec);
570  free(diag);
571  free(qtf);
572  free(fjac);
573  free(wa1);
574  free(wa2);
575  free(wa3);
576  free(wf);
577  free(ipvt);
579 } /*** lmmin. ***/
582 /*****************************************************************************/
583 /* lm_lmpar (determine Levenberg-Marquardt parameter) */
584 /*****************************************************************************/
586 void lm_lmpar(int n, double *r, int ldr, int *ipvt, double *diag,
587  double *qtb, double delta, double *par, double *x,
588  double *sdiag, double *aux, double *xdi)
589 {
590  /* Given an m by n matrix a, an n by n nonsingular diagonal
591  * matrix d, an m-vector b, and a positive number delta,
592  * the problem is to determine a value for the parameter
593  * par such that if x solves the system
594  *
595  * a*x = b and sqrt(par)*d*x = 0
596  *
597  * in the least squares sense, and dxnorm is the euclidean
598  * norm of d*x, then either par=0 and (dxnorm-delta) < 0.1*delta,
599  * or par>0 and abs(dxnorm-delta) < 0.1*delta.
600  *
601  * Using lm_qrsolv, this subroutine completes the solution of the problem
602  * if it is provided with the necessary information from the
603  * qr factorization, with column pivoting, of a. That is, if
604  * a*p = q*r, where p is a permutation matrix, q has orthogonal
605  * columns, and r is an upper triangular matrix with diagonal
606  * elements of nonincreasing magnitude, then lmpar expects
607  * the full upper triangle of r, the permutation matrix p,
608  * and the first n components of qT*b. On output
609  * lmpar also provides an upper triangular matrix s such that
610  *
611  * p^T*(a^T*a + par*d*d)*p = s^T*s.
612  *
613  * s is employed within lmpar and may be of separate interest.
614  *
615  * Only a few iterations are generally needed for convergence
616  * of the algorithm. If, however, the limit of 10 iterations
617  * is reached, then the output par will contain the best
618  * value obtained so far.
619  *
620  * parameters:
621  *
622  * n is a positive integer input variable set to the order of r.
623  *
624  * r is an n by n array. on input the full upper triangle
625  * must contain the full upper triangle of the matrix r.
626  * on OUTPUT the full upper triangle is unaltered, and the
627  * strict lower triangle contains the strict upper triangle
628  * (transposed) of the upper triangular matrix s.
629  *
630  * ldr is a positive integer input variable not less than n
631  * which specifies the leading dimension of the array r.
632  *
633  * ipvt is an integer input array of length n which defines the
634  * permutation matrix p such that a*p = q*r. column j of p
635  * is column ipvt(j) of the identity matrix.
636  *
637  * diag is an input array of length n which must contain the
638  * diagonal elements of the matrix d.
639  *
640  * qtb is an input array of length n which must contain the first
641  * n elements of the vector (q transpose)*b.
642  *
643  * delta is a positive input variable which specifies an upper
644  * bound on the euclidean norm of d*x.
645  *
646  * par is a nonnegative variable. on input par contains an
647  * initial estimate of the levenberg-marquardt parameter.
648  * on OUTPUT par contains the final estimate.
649  *
650  * x is an OUTPUT array of length n which contains the least
651  * squares solution of the system a*x = b, sqrt(par)*d*x = 0,
652  * for the output par.
653  *
654  * sdiag is an array of length n needed as workspace; on OUTPUT
655  * it contains the diagonal elements of the upper triangular matrix s.
656  *
657  * aux is a multi-purpose work array of length n.
658  *
659  * xdi is a work array of length n. On OUTPUT: diag[j] * x[j].
660  *
661  */
662  int i, iter, j, nsing;
663  double dxnorm, fp, fp_old, gnorm, parc, parl, paru;
664  double sum, temp;
665  static double p1 = 0.1;
667  /*** lmpar: compute and store in x the gauss-newton direction. if the
668  jacobian is rank-deficient, obtain a least squares solution. ***/
670  nsing = n;
671  for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
672  aux[j] = qtb[j];
673  if (r[j * ldr + j] == 0 && nsing == n)
674  nsing = j;
675  if (nsing < n)
676  aux[j] = 0;
677  }
678  for (j = nsing - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
679  aux[j] = aux[j] / r[j + ldr * j];
680  temp = aux[j];
681  for (i = 0; i < j; i++)
682  aux[i] -= r[j * ldr + i] * temp;
683  }
685  for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
686  x[ipvt[j]] = aux[j];
688  /*** lmpar: initialize the iteration counter, evaluate the function at the
689  origin, and test for acceptance of the gauss-newton direction. ***/
691  for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
692  xdi[j] = diag[j] * x[j];
693  dxnorm = lm_enorm(n, xdi);
694  fp = dxnorm - delta;
695  if (fp <= p1 * delta) {
697  printf("debug lmpar nsing %d n %d, terminate (fp<p1*delta)\n",
698  nsing, n);
699 #endif
700  *par = 0;
701  return;
702  }
704  /*** lmpar: if the jacobian is not rank deficient, the newton
705  step provides a lower bound, parl, for the 0. of
706  the function. otherwise set this bound to 0.. ***/
708  parl = 0;
709  if (nsing >= n) {
710  for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
711  aux[j] = diag[ipvt[j]] * xdi[ipvt[j]] / dxnorm;
713  for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
714  sum = 0.;
715  for (i = 0; i < j; i++)
716  sum += r[j * ldr + i] * aux[i];
717  aux[j] = (aux[j] - sum) / r[j + ldr * j];
718  }
719  temp = lm_enorm(n, aux);
720  parl = fp / delta / temp / temp;
721  }
723  /*** lmpar: calculate an upper bound, paru, for the 0. of the function. ***/
725  for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
726  sum = 0;
727  for (i = 0; i <= j; i++)
728  sum += r[j * ldr + i] * qtb[i];
729  aux[j] = sum / diag[ipvt[j]];
730  }
731  gnorm = lm_enorm(n, aux);
732  paru = gnorm / delta;
733  if (paru == 0.)
734  paru = LM_DWARF / MIN(delta, p1);
736  /*** lmpar: if the input par lies outside of the interval (parl,paru),
737  set par to the closer endpoint. ***/
739  *par = MAX(*par, parl);
740  *par = MIN(*par, paru);
741  if (*par == 0.)
742  *par = gnorm / dxnorm;
744  /*** lmpar: iterate. ***/
746  for (iter = 0; ; iter++) {
750  if (*par == 0.)
751  *par = MAX(LM_DWARF, 0.001 * paru);
752  temp = sqrt(*par);
753  for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
754  aux[j] = temp * diag[j];
756  lm_qrsolv( n, r, ldr, ipvt, aux, qtb, x, sdiag, xdi );
757  /* return values are r, x, sdiag */
759  for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
760  xdi[j] = diag[j] * x[j]; /* used as output */
761  dxnorm = lm_enorm(n, xdi);
762  fp_old = fp;
763  fp = dxnorm - delta;
769  if (fabs(fp) <= p1 * delta
770  || (parl == 0. && fp <= fp_old && fp_old < 0.)
771  || iter == 10) {
773  printf("debug lmpar nsing %d iter %d "
774  "par %.4e [%.4e %.4e] delta %.4e fp %.4e\n",
775  nsing, iter, *par, parl, paru, delta, fp);
776 #endif
777  break; /* the only exit from the iteration. */
778  }
782  for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
783  aux[j] = diag[ipvt[j]] * xdi[ipvt[j]] / dxnorm;
785  for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
786  aux[j] = aux[j] / sdiag[j];
787  for (i = j + 1; i < n; i++)
788  aux[i] -= r[j * ldr + i] * aux[j];
789  }
790  temp = lm_enorm(n, aux);
791  parc = fp / delta / temp / temp;
795  if (fp > 0)
796  parl = MAX(parl, *par);
797  else if (fp < 0)
798  paru = MIN(paru, *par);
799  /* the case fp==0 is precluded by the break condition */
803  *par = MAX(parl, *par + parc);
805  }
807 } /*** lm_lmpar. ***/
809 /*****************************************************************************/
810 /* lm_qrfac (QR factorization, from lapack) */
811 /*****************************************************************************/
813 void lm_qrfac(int m, int n, double *a, int *ipvt,
814  double *rdiag, double *acnorm, double *wa)
815 {
816  /*
817  * This subroutine uses Householder transformations with column
818  * pivoting (optional) to compute a qr factorization of the
819  * m by n matrix a. That is, qrfac determines an orthogonal
820  * matrix q, a permutation matrix p, and an upper trapezoidal
821  * matrix r with diagonal elements of nonincreasing magnitude,
822  * such that a*p = q*r. The Householder transformation for
823  * column k, k = 1,2,...,min(m,n), is of the form
824  *
825  * i - (1/u(k))*u*uT
826  *
827  * where u has zeroes in the first k-1 positions. The form of
828  * this transformation and the method of pivoting first
829  * appeared in the corresponding linpack subroutine.
830  *
831  * Parameters:
832  *
833  * m is a positive integer input variable set to the number
834  * of rows of a.
835  *
836  * n is a positive integer input variable set to the number
837  * of columns of a.
838  *
839  * a is an m by n array. On input a contains the matrix for
840  * which the qr factorization is to be computed. On OUTPUT
841  * the strict upper trapezoidal part of a contains the strict
842  * upper trapezoidal part of r, and the lower trapezoidal
843  * part of a contains a factored form of q (the non-trivial
844  * elements of the u vectors described above).
845  *
846  * ipvt is an integer OUTPUT array of length lipvt. This array
847  * defines the permutation matrix p such that a*p = q*r.
848  * Column j of p is column ipvt(j) of the identity matrix.
849  *
850  * rdiag is an OUTPUT array of length n which contains the
851  * diagonal elements of r.
852  *
853  * acnorm is an OUTPUT array of length n which contains the
854  * norms of the corresponding columns of the input matrix a.
855  * If this information is not needed, then acnorm can coincide
856  * with rdiag.
857  *
858  * wa is a work array of length n.
859  *
860  */
861  int i, j, k, kmax, minmn;
862  double ajnorm, sum, temp;
864  /*** qrfac: compute initial column norms and initialize several arrays. ***/
866  for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
867  acnorm[j] = lm_enorm(m, &a[j * m]);
868  rdiag[j] = acnorm[j];
869  wa[j] = rdiag[j];
870  ipvt[j] = j;
871  }
873  printf("debug qrfac\n");
874 #endif
876  /*** qrfac: reduce a to r with Householder transformations. ***/
878  minmn = MIN(m, n);
879  for (j = 0; j < minmn; j++) {
883  kmax = j;
884  for (k = j + 1; k < n; k++)
885  if (rdiag[k] > rdiag[kmax])
886  kmax = k;
887  if (kmax == j)
888  goto pivot_ok;
890  for (i = 0; i < m; i++) {
891  temp = a[j * m + i];
892  a[j * m + i] = a[kmax * m + i];
893  a[kmax * m + i] = temp;
894  }
895  rdiag[kmax] = rdiag[j];
896  wa[kmax] = wa[j];
897  k = ipvt[j];
898  ipvt[j] = ipvt[kmax];
899  ipvt[kmax] = k;
901 pivot_ok:
905  ajnorm = lm_enorm(m - j, &a[j * m + j]);
906  if (ajnorm == 0.) {
907  rdiag[j] = 0;
908  continue;
909  }
911  if (a[j * m + j] < 0.)
912  ajnorm = -ajnorm;
913  for (i = j; i < m; i++)
914  a[j * m + i] /= ajnorm;
915  a[j * m + j] += 1;
920  for (k = j + 1; k < n; k++) {
921  sum = 0;
923  for (i = j; i < m; i++)
924  sum += a[j * m + i] * a[k * m + i];
926  temp = sum / a[j + m * j];
928  for (i = j; i < m; i++)
929  a[k * m + i] -= temp * a[j * m + i];
931  if (rdiag[k] != 0.) {
932  temp = a[m * k + j] / rdiag[k];
933  temp = MAX(0., 1 - temp * temp);
934  rdiag[k] *= sqrt(temp);
935  temp = rdiag[k] / wa[k];
936  if ( 0.05 * SQR(temp) <= LM_MACHEP ) {
937  rdiag[k] = lm_enorm(m - j - 1, &a[m * k + j + 1]);
938  wa[k] = rdiag[k];
939  }
940  }
941  }
943  rdiag[j] = -ajnorm;
944  }
945 } /*** lm_qrfac. ***/
948 /*****************************************************************************/
949 /* lm_qrsolv (linear least-squares) */
950 /*****************************************************************************/
952 void lm_qrsolv(int n, double *r, int ldr, int *ipvt, double *diag,
953  double *qtb, double *x, double *sdiag, double *wa)
954 {
955  /*
956  * Given an m by n matrix a, an n by n diagonal matrix d,
957  * and an m-vector b, the problem is to determine an x which
958  * solves the system
959  *
960  * a*x = b and d*x = 0
961  *
962  * in the least squares sense.
963  *
964  * This subroutine completes the solution of the problem
965  * if it is provided with the necessary information from the
966  * qr factorization, with column pivoting, of a. That is, if
967  * a*p = q*r, where p is a permutation matrix, q has orthogonal
968  * columns, and r is an upper triangular matrix with diagonal
969  * elements of nonincreasing magnitude, then qrsolv expects
970  * the full upper triangle of r, the permutation matrix p,
971  * and the first n components of (q transpose)*b. The system
972  * a*x = b, d*x = 0, is then equivalent to
973  *
974  * r*z = q^T*b, p^T*d*p*z = 0,
975  *
976  * where x = p*z. If this system does not have full rank,
977  * then a least squares solution is obtained. On output qrsolv
978  * also provides an upper triangular matrix s such that
979  *
980  * p^T *(a^T *a + d*d)*p = s^T *s.
981  *
982  * s is computed within qrsolv and may be of separate interest.
983  *
984  * Parameters
985  *
986  * n is a positive integer input variable set to the order of r.
987  *
988  * r is an n by n array. On input the full upper triangle
989  * must contain the full upper triangle of the matrix r.
990  * On OUTPUT the full upper triangle is unaltered, and the
991  * strict lower triangle contains the strict upper triangle
992  * (transposed) of the upper triangular matrix s.
993  *
994  * ldr is a positive integer input variable not less than n
995  * which specifies the leading dimension of the array r.
996  *
997  * ipvt is an integer input array of length n which defines the
998  * permutation matrix p such that a*p = q*r. Column j of p
999  * is column ipvt(j) of the identity matrix.
1000  *
1001  * diag is an input array of length n which must contain the
1002  * diagonal elements of the matrix d.
1003  *
1004  * qtb is an input array of length n which must contain the first
1005  * n elements of the vector (q transpose)*b.
1006  *
1007  * x is an OUTPUT array of length n which contains the least
1008  * squares solution of the system a*x = b, d*x = 0.
1009  *
1010  * sdiag is an OUTPUT array of length n which contains the
1011  * diagonal elements of the upper triangular matrix s.
1012  *
1013  * wa is a work array of length n.
1014  *
1015  */
1016  int i, kk, j, k, nsing;
1017  double qtbpj, sum, temp;
1018  double _sin, _cos, _tan, _cot; /* local variables, not functions */
1020  /*** qrsolv: copy r and q^T*b to preserve input and initialize s.
1021  in particular, save the diagonal elements of r in x. ***/
1023  for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
1024  for (i = j; i < n; i++)
1025  r[j * ldr + i] = r[i * ldr + j];
1026  x[j] = r[j * ldr + j];
1027  wa[j] = qtb[j];
1028  }
1029  /*** qrsolv: eliminate the diagonal matrix d using a Givens rotation. ***/
1031  for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
1033  /*** qrsolv: prepare the row of d to be eliminated, locating the
1034  diagonal element using p from the qr factorization. ***/
1036  if (diag[ipvt[j]] == 0.)
1037  goto L90;
1038  for (k = j; k < n; k++)
1039  sdiag[k] = 0.;
1040  sdiag[j] = diag[ipvt[j]];
1042  /*** qrsolv: the transformations to eliminate the row of d modify only
1043  a single element of qT*b beyond the first n, which is initially 0. ***/
1045  qtbpj = 0.;
1046  for (k = j; k < n; k++) {
1051  if (sdiag[k] == 0.)
1052  continue;
1053  kk = k + ldr * k;
1054  if (fabs(r[kk]) < fabs(sdiag[k])) {
1055  _cot = r[kk] / sdiag[k];
1056  _sin = 1 / sqrt(1 + SQR(_cot));
1057  _cos = _sin * _cot;
1058  } else {
1059  _tan = sdiag[k] / r[kk];
1060  _cos = 1 / sqrt(1 + SQR(_tan));
1061  _sin = _cos * _tan;
1062  }
1067  r[kk] = _cos * r[kk] + _sin * sdiag[k];
1068  temp = _cos * wa[k] + _sin * qtbpj;
1069  qtbpj = -_sin * wa[k] + _cos * qtbpj;
1070  wa[k] = temp;
1074  for (i = k + 1; i < n; i++) {
1075  temp = _cos * r[k * ldr + i] + _sin * sdiag[i];
1076  sdiag[i] = -_sin * r[k * ldr + i] + _cos * sdiag[i];
1077  r[k * ldr + i] = temp;
1078  }
1079  }
1081 L90:
1085  sdiag[j] = r[j * ldr + j];
1086  r[j * ldr + j] = x[j];
1087  }
1089  /*** qrsolv: solve the triangular system for z. if the system is
1090  singular, then obtain a least squares solution. ***/
1092  nsing = n;
1093  for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
1094  if (sdiag[j] == 0. && nsing == n)
1095  nsing = j;
1096  if (nsing < n)
1097  wa[j] = 0;
1098  }
1100  for (j = nsing - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
1101  sum = 0;
1102  for (i = j + 1; i < nsing; i++)
1103  sum += r[j * ldr + i] * wa[i];
1104  wa[j] = (wa[j] - sum) / sdiag[j];
1105  }
1107  /*** qrsolv: permute the components of z back to components of x. ***/
1109  for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
1110  x[ipvt[j]] = wa[j];
1112 } /*** lm_qrsolv. ***/
1115 /*****************************************************************************/
1116 /* lm_enorm (Euclidean norm) */
1117 /*****************************************************************************/
1119 double lm_enorm(int n, const double *x)
1120 {
1121  /* Given an n-vector x, this function calculates the
1122  * euclidean norm of x.
1123  *
1124  * The euclidean norm is computed by accumulating the sum of
1125  * squares in three different sums. The sums of squares for the
1126  * small and large components are scaled so that no overflows
1127  * occur. Non-destructive underflows are permitted. Underflows
1128  * and overflows do not occur in the computation of the unscaled
1129  * sum of squares for the intermediate components.
1130  * The definitions of small, intermediate and large components
1131  * depend on two constants, LM_SQRT_DWARF and LM_SQRT_GIANT. The main
1132  * restrictions on these constants are that LM_SQRT_DWARF**2 not
1133  * underflow and LM_SQRT_GIANT**2 not overflow.
1134  *
1135  * Parameters
1136  *
1137  * n is a positive integer input variable.
1138  *
1139  * x is an input array of length n.
1140  */
1141  int i;
1142  double agiant, s1, s2, s3, xabs, x1max, x3max, temp;
1144  s1 = 0;
1145  s2 = 0;
1146  s3 = 0;
1147  x1max = 0;
1148  x3max = 0;
1149  agiant = LM_SQRT_GIANT / n;
1153  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
1154  xabs = fabs(x[i]);
1155  if (xabs > LM_SQRT_DWARF) {
1156  if ( xabs < agiant ) {
1157  s2 += xabs * xabs;
1158  } else if ( xabs > x1max ) {
1159  temp = x1max / xabs;
1160  s1 = 1 + s1 * SQR(temp);
1161  x1max = xabs;
1162  } else {
1163  temp = xabs / x1max;
1164  s1 += SQR(temp);
1165  }
1166  } else if ( xabs > x3max ) {
1167  temp = x3max / xabs;
1168  s3 = 1 + s3 * SQR(temp);
1169  x3max = xabs;
1170  } else if (xabs != 0.) {
1171  temp = xabs / x3max;
1172  s3 += SQR(temp);
1173  }
1174  }
1178  if (s1 != 0)
1179  return x1max * sqrt(s1 + (s2 / x1max) / x1max);
1180  else if (s2 != 0)
1181  if (s2 >= x3max)
1182  return sqrt(s2 * (1 + (x3max / s2) * (x3max * s3)));
1183  else
1184  return sqrt(x3max * ((s2 / x3max) + (x3max * s3)));
1185  else
1186  return x3max * sqrt(s3);
1188 } /*** lm_enorm. ***/
double epsilon
Step used to calculate the Jacobian.
Definition: lmstruct.h:59
Declarations for Levenberg-Marquardt minimization.
const lm_control_struct lm_control_float
Preset (and recommended) control parameter settings.
Definition: lmmin.c:125
Collection of input parameters for fit control.
Definition: lmstruct.h:33
void lm_qrfac(int m, int n, double *a, int *ipvt, double *rdiag, double *acnorm, double *wa)
[brief description]
Definition: lmmin.c:813
int n_maxpri
Maximum parameters to print.
Definition: lmstruct.h:95
double lm_enorm(int n, const double *x)
Refined calculation of Eucledian norm.
Definition: lmmin.c:1119
Definition: lmmin.c:103
#define LM_DWARF
Definition: lmmin.c:102
int patience
Used to set the maximum number of function evaluations.
Definition: lmstruct.h:73
const char * lm_infmsg[]
Preset message texts.
Definition: lmmin.c:135
Definition: lmmin.c:104
int userbreak
Set when function evaluation requests termination.
Definition: lmstruct.h:124
const lm_control_struct lm_control_double
Preset (and recommended) control parameter settings.
Definition: lmmin.c:121
Collection of output parameters for status info.
Definition: lmstruct.h:106
double stepbound
Used in determining the initial step bound.
Definition: lmstruct.h:68
int verbosity
Controls the ouput verbosity.
Definition: lmstruct.h:90
#define SQR(x)
[brief description]
Definition: lmmin.c:42
double xtol
Relative error between last two approximations.
Definition: lmstruct.h:46
const char * lm_shortmsg[]
Preset message texts.
Definition: lmmin.c:150
FILE * msgfile
Progress messages will be written to this file.
Definition: lmstruct.h:82
void lm_print_pars(int nout, const double *par, double fnorm, FILE *fout)
Definition: lmmin.c:170
int scale_diag
If 1, the variables will be rescaled internally.
Definition: lmstruct.h:78
void lm_lmpar(int n, double *r, int ldr, int *ipvt, double *diag, double *qtb, double delta, double *par, double *x, double *sdiag, double *aux, double *xdi)
[brief description]
Definition: lmmin.c:586
double gtol
Orthogonality desired between fvec and its derivs.
Definition: lmstruct.h:53
void lm_qrsolv(int n, double *r, int ldr, int *ipvt, double *diag, double *qtb, double *x, double *sdiag, double *wa)
[brief description]
Definition: lmmin.c:952
#define MAX(a, b)
[brief description]
Definition: lmmin.c:35
#define LM_MACHEP
Definition: lmmin.c:101
void lmmin(int n, double *x, int m, const void *data, void(*evaluate)(const double *par, int m_dat, const void *data, double *fvec, int *userbreak), const lm_control_struct *C, lm_status_struct *S)
Levenberg-Marquardt minimization.
Definition: lmmin.c:183
#define MIN(a, b)
[brief description]
Definition: lmmin.c:28
int outcome
Status indicator.
Definition: lmstruct.h:120
int nfev
actual number of iterations.
Definition: lmstruct.h:114
double fnorm
norm of the residue vector fvec.
Definition: lmstruct.h:110
double ftol
Relative error desired in the sum of squares.
Definition: lmstruct.h:40
#define LM_USERTOL
Definition: lmmin.c:105