Go to the documentation of this file.
15 #ifndef LMSTRUCT_H
16 #define LMSTRUCT_H
17 #undef __BEGIN_DECLS
18 #undef __END_DECLS
19 #ifdef __cplusplus
20 # define __BEGIN_DECLS extern "C" {
21 # define __END_DECLS }
22 #else
23 # define __BEGIN_DECLS /* empty */
24 # define __END_DECLS /* empty */
25 #endif
28 #include <stdio.h>
33 typedef struct {
40  double ftol;
46  double xtol;
53  double gtol;
59  double epsilon;
68  double stepbound;
73  int patience;
82  FILE* msgfile;
90  int verbosity;
95  int n_maxpri;
100  int m_maxpri;
106 typedef struct {
110  double fnorm;
114  int nfev;
120  int outcome;
141 extern const char *lm_infmsg[];
145 extern const char *lm_shortmsg[];
148 #endif /* LMSTRUCT_H */
double epsilon
Step used to calculate the Jacobian.
Definition: lmstruct.h:59
const char * lm_infmsg[]
Preset message texts.
Definition: lmmin.c:135
Collection of input parameters for fit control.
Definition: lmstruct.h:33
#define __BEGIN_DECLS
Definition: lmstruct.h:23
int n_maxpri
Maximum parameters to print.
Definition: lmstruct.h:95
const char * lm_shortmsg[]
Preset message texts.
Definition: lmmin.c:150
int m_maxpri
Max number of residuals to print.
Definition: lmstruct.h:100
int patience
Used to set the maximum number of function evaluations.
Definition: lmstruct.h:73
#define __END_DECLS
Definition: lmstruct.h:24
int userbreak
Set when function evaluation requests termination.
Definition: lmstruct.h:124
Collection of output parameters for status info.
Definition: lmstruct.h:106
double stepbound
Used in determining the initial step bound.
Definition: lmstruct.h:68
int verbosity
Controls the ouput verbosity.
Definition: lmstruct.h:90
double xtol
Relative error between last two approximations.
Definition: lmstruct.h:46
const lm_control_struct lm_control_float
Preset (and recommended) control parameter settings.
Definition: lmmin.c:125
FILE * msgfile
Progress messages will be written to this file.
Definition: lmstruct.h:82
const lm_control_struct lm_control_double
Preset (and recommended) control parameter settings.
Definition: lmmin.c:121
int scale_diag
If 1, the variables will be rescaled internally.
Definition: lmstruct.h:78
double gtol
Orthogonality desired between fvec and its derivs.
Definition: lmstruct.h:53
int outcome
Status indicator.
Definition: lmstruct.h:120
int nfev
actual number of iterations.
Definition: lmstruct.h:114
double fnorm
norm of the residue vector fvec.
Definition: lmstruct.h:110
double ftol
Relative error desired in the sum of squares.
Definition: lmstruct.h:40