Stepper-Motor-Control  v3.0.0
System on a Chip 2014 - Group 04
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 Ccounter_tbTestbench entity
 Cinterface_RTX_BaseBase-Entity. This Entity describes the connection to DE2-Board
 Ckey_detect_tutTutorial-Component Key-Detector
 Cmilestone3Milestone 3
 Cmilestone3_tbEntity of testbench for milestone3
 Cmotor_control_unitMotor Control Unit
 Cmotor_control_unit_tbEntity of testbench for motor_control_unit
 CoutputTaskDataDatatype of global variable for transmitting information from InputTask to OutputTask
 Cregister_interfaceRegister Interface-Component
 Cregister_interface_tbEntity of testbench for register_interface
 Csignal_generatorSignal Generator
 Csignal_generator_tbEntity of testbench for signal_generator
 CsystemStateStruct to store state of system and use case information