25 #include "../INC/motorIRQhandler.h"
42 if (OS_NO_ERR != err) {
43 error(
"MOTOR_ISR_FLAG_ERR: %i\n", err);
46 if (OS_NO_ERR != err) {
47 error(
"MOTOR_ISR_FLAG_ERR: %i\n", err);
Interrupt-Enable Bit.
#define error(...)
Prints the Error-messages in the terminal.
the interrupt is sent via VHDL-Component, when the motor reached its end-position ...
void motorIRQhandler(void *context)
IRQ-Handler for motor stopped.
Interrupt-Request Bit.
#define debug(...)
Prints Debug-messages in the terminal.
OS_FLAG_GRP * userOutputTaskFlagsGrp
The flags group used in the user-output-task.
OS_FLAG_GRP * userInputTaskFlagsGrp
The flags group used in the user-input-task.
static __inline__ void ctrlRegBitClr(uint8_t bitsToClr)
Clears the CtrlReg bitwise.
static __inline__ uint8_t ctrlRegGet(void)
Returns the actual content of the control-register.